9:35 AM - 10:05 AM BST  |  Tuesday June 4

Unleashing Real-Time Guidance to Empower Agents and Drive Customer Excellence

John Cottrell
MI Manager

Paul Giggins
Head of Strategy and Performance
Cabot Financial

Paolo Righetti
Founder and CEO

Nick Mitchell
Chief Revenue Officer

Jonathan "JR" Ranger
Chief Customer Officer


Organisations increasingly are pursuing real-time guidance to strengthen agents and supervisors in pursuit of improved CX. But contact centre leaders are challenged with where to begin, and how to structure a programme in stages that are right for their company.

In this session, successful CallMiner customers and subject matter experts will disclose best practices, lessons learned and other key insights from their own journey to leveraging real-time guidance to enhance agent performance, boost customer satisfaction, and drive operational effectiveness. Key topics will include the role of AI in analysing customer interactions on-the-fly, delivering actionable insights during live conversations, and providing contextual guidance to agents and supervisors.